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Thread: Games: Playstation 3 [!OT]

  1. #41
    Inactive Member melfice's Avatar
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    Well, is just what he's meant to say, though, that "PS3 is for entertaining purpouses" was exactly the same idea behind PSX and PS2...

    Also, i don't REMOTELLY think that the processor has a built in routine to make "whirlwind combat effects" on its own...

  2. #42
    Senior Hostboard Member Cataferal's Avatar
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    I laugh at Kutaragi's gung-ho approach to the competition from Microsoft; he really doesnt seem to care that they're a much bigger fish than Nintendo or Sega were. But then, he's also the reason why ive been playing on a shoddy console for the past 4 years, and thats going to take some length of forgiving. Perhaps he can redeem himself with Playstation 3 though.

  3. #43
    Inactive Member Ogreasy's Avatar
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    Sony just gave a HUGE surprise conference about the PS3 today!
    They said that the PS2 will be smaller than anything before it!
    They also said that it would be able to play DVD, CD, UMD, VHS, Beta-Deck, and Vinyl Records!

    They also said that the PS3 will be so backwards Compatible that it has a feature that "transports you back to Third grade so you can fuck your hot teacher"
    They also announced their "X-Box Killer" which was not an upgraded graphics engine, or a new piece of Hardware, but in fact it was a Large Hammer.
    I can only speculate at how Sony will compete with the X-Box using this new Tool.

    Thats all I have for you from the sony conference, good luck!

  4. #44
    Senior Hostboard Member Cataferal's Avatar
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    According to Kutaragi the PS3 isnt a toy, or games console, but a supercomputer that'll run Linux. I can only wish i was joking like CBA (...?), because it sounds like Sony's new piece of kit is more of a PC than the Xbox 360. And thats saying something. The interview with Kutaragi on the matter can be found here.

    As i see it, the only actual games console being released this generation is the Revolution, which is my main impetus to buy that this time round. I can make judgement on that already, because as someone who's mostly neglected Nintendo's consoles, i havent played most of their pre-GC games catalogue. The included "Virtual console" download system will be worth my while, and get me up to speed with my Nintendo side. Meanwhile, I'll pick up the PS3 later...much later. Probably when Final Fantasy XIII or MGS4 are released.

  5. #45
    HB Forum Owner mrwiseman's Avatar
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    Kutaragi is a moron, I'm getting really tired of him over the years... And the fact he's hyping and bullshitting that much makes me wonder, will the PS3 be another PS2, a sub-par next-gen system?

    I know the supercomputer business. That's what they said of the PS2. They even went and invented all that "PS2 could be used to control missiles" bullshit and paid the media to spread it.

    Linux? I don't see how a console would benefit from Linux. Linux, like any Unix, is designed as a server system. It performs better in server scenarios requiring multitasking and network operations. It has a lot of services and comes from an originally static kernel. A console OS has a much different focus. It's optimized for one foreground process with a very reduced set of services, lots of fast IO (as opposed to network IO), less concurrency, and more RT operations. It should use a static kernel. Of course, each can do the other's work, but Linux will almost always perform better as a server of some sort, while a specifically-designed games OS will almost always perform better when running games. Besides, there's little of Linux that's actually useful for running foreground games. Forget most services, forget X-Windows, forget shell and utilities, and forget all the drivers it ever had. Moreover, it's not optimized for a specific platform, so it'll perform considerably worse than an OS specifically designed for a console and written in assembly language (at least its core).

    Besides this, the PS3 is nothing like a PC - even if they end up using it as a small computer. My main concerns with the Xbox were the architecture was not that of a console, which is not the case of the PS3.

    My comments on the interview:

    Oh, wait, from this I deduct the console will use Sony's own OS for games, it'll just run Linux if you want. No problem then. As long as the platform and the game OS are designed to play games, everything else is fine - even welcome, as you can do more stuff with it. Only the Xbox 1 has a PC architecture and a PC OS; the PS3 has a custom architecture, and will have a custom game OS, plus Linux, just like the PS2 or the Dreamcast have.

    Ok, onto the interview. Wow, this is a load of bullshit, I don't know where to start.

    Impress PC Watch: The PlayStation 3 has some extremely high specifications, but it doesn't come with an HDD. Why?

    LOL. This guy wins, he's the exact type of person Kutaragi needs. He's assuming: 1. HDs are always good to have. 2. Any system with high specifications should have an HD. 3. The PS3's lack of HD is a flaw.

    WRT HD: Ken Kutaragi: The next step is definitely network drives.

    Bullshit. Network drives will always be slower and more expensive, and of little use for a console.

    KK: With the Cell server, they can be accessed from anywhere, via network.

    More of Sony's bullshit. They're so obsessed with this Cell hype campaign. Breaking news: You can access any network resource from anywhere in the network, using any processor, not just the Cell "server".

    KK: Whether it's your own house [or] your friend's house, you can access the [network hard drive] anywhere.

    And I presume you mean the Internet network, right? Then you'll be limited by your Internet bandwidth and latency, not to mention you'll waste yours and the Internet's bandwidth to access personal data you could very well be carrying with yourself.

    KK: That's the kind of world we're imagining

    Yes, they had imagined so much with the PS2 too.

    KK: Although a network drive would allow for terabytes of storage

    Lol, more bullshit. 1. You can have any amount of storage without a network, too. 2. Why do you need terabytes of storage? (Let me answer this myself: it sounds so good in the media.) 3. Hint: Terabytes of storage costs terabytes of money.

    IPCW: Do you mean to say that you'll run an OS on the PS3 to use it as a computer?

    I LOL'd. Apparently, this guy thinks "computers" need an OS, and consoles don't. Breaking news: 1. Consoles are computers, because they are programmable machines. 2. Consoles have been using OSes/comprehensive BIOSes since the two generations ago.

    KK: This time, we're positioning the PS3 as a "supercomputer."

    This is funny shit, it should get posted on 4chan. KK pretends not to know what a supercomputer is.

    KK: But people won't recognize it as a computer unless we call it a computer, so we're going to run an OS on it.

    WTF! Is he a moron or what? It's a computer, always was, always will; it ran an OS, always did, always will, and hoping computer illiterate people call it a computer is the stupidest reason ever to run Linux. Now I think all they'll do is to port it, release it, say "Hey, we run Linux, it's a SUPAR COMPUTAR R0X0R OMG !!!11LOL", and abandon the thing.

    KK: In fact, the Cell can run multiple OSes

    No shit! My mobile phone's processor can do that too!

    KK: In order to run the OSes, we need an HDD


    IPCW: So Linux can be run on the Cell?

    ROFL, that's what Kutaragi has been bitching about for an hour, WTF was this guy thinking? Running Linux on the control pads microcontrollers?

    KK: Linux is legacy

    No comments

    KK: If Linux can run, so can Lindows

    Lindows is Linux. Retard.

    KK: Other PC Operating Systems can run too

    Lie. No PC operating system can run, unless the PC architecture is fully emulated. You can port them, though. Running Linux is not running a "PC Operating System", it's just running an "Operating System".

    KK: Windows and Tiger (Max OS X 10.4), if the publishers want [them] to do so

    It can also run WisemanOS? (if I want to).

    KK: Nonlinear editing systems are incredible, but if it was done on the Cell, it would be even more incredible...

    Sounds like what a 10 year old's would say. Farts are incredible, but when I do them myself, they are even more incredible.


    Don't worry, this is all bullshit. All it said is basically:

    1. The PS3 won't come with a built-in HD, which is perfectly fine because it's not necessary for a console.
    2. You can buy HDs for it. (Forget about network drives.)
    3. Besides Sony's own OS, they're going to port Linux so you can do stuff with it once you get a HD.
    4. We're calling it "suparcomputar" so it sounds kewler.

    The rest is fresh bullshit. Consoles always were computers and always will. PCs are computers too. PCs architecture is suboptimal for gaming. The PS3 architecture is not even close to that of a PC. Therefore, no matter how much they call it whatever, it's not a problem for games. Names are just that.

    And just for the record, I'll say geeks have been using Xbox "consoles" and Dreamcast "toys" as Linux boxes for years.

    <font color="#345E81" size="1">[ June 11, 2005 08:19 AM: Message edited by: -Wiseman- ]</font>

  6. #46
    Senior Hostboard Member Kerem's Avatar
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    Re: Games: Playstation 3 [!OT]

    Following the release of the PlayStation 4 in 2013, the PS3 ceased production in New Zealand on September 29, 2015. But in other parts of the world its production was still ongoing. Deliveries to Australia and Europe ended around March 2016. On the website you can download PS3 ROMS - PS3 ISO.

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